What’s Included
a) Introduction call. A 30-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together.
b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared.
c) Filing for application for Court Marriage.
d) Court appearance and Solemenisation of Marriage on the appointed day.
What’s Not Included
a) Court Fees and Stamp duty as applicable shall be payable extra.
You May Also Want To Know
a) Who must give notice of intended marriage?
A notice in writing is to be given by parties to the marriage.
b) To whom should the notice be given?
The notice is given to the marriage officer of the district in which at least one party must have stayed for 30 days immediately before the date when the notice is served. For example, if the male and female are in Delhi, but wish to marry in Mumbai. At least one of them must travel to Mumbai 30 days before the intended date and live there until the date of the marriage.
c) Who publishes the notice?
The marriage officer of the district to whom the notice has been served publishes the notice.
d) Where is the notice published?
At a conspicuous place in the office and one copy in the office of the district where the other party permanently resides.
e) To whom objection to marriage is raised?
To the marriage officer of the concerned district.
f) What are the consequences if objection(s) are accepted?
The marriage officer must, within 30 days from the date of objection, make inquiries and if the objections are found to be true, the marriage cannot be solemnised.
g) What is the remedy in case objection(s) have been accepted?
An appeal can be filed by either party.
h) To whom is the appeal filed?
The district court within the local limits under the jurisdiction of the marriage officer.
i) When can an appeal be filed?
Any time within 30 days from the date of refusal to solemnise marriage.
j) Who has to sign the declaration?
Both parties and witnesses (in the presence of the marriage officer). It will also be countersigned by the marriage officer.