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Will Drafting

MD Legal > Will Drafting


A will drafted by a local, experienced advocate. An expert advocate will work with you to write a will that expresses how you want your property and assets handled after your death.
This is right for you if you need a will that specifically states what the courts should do with your property and assets after your death.


What’s Included

a) Introduction call. A 30-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together.

b) Full support. An attorney will talk to you about your unique needs and create a personalized will for your situation.

Draft Will With The Help Of Expert Lawyers

What’s Not Included

a) Any additional work done by the advocate after the completion of the agreement.


You May Also Want To Know

a) What is a Will? 
Will is a legal declaration of the intention of a testator with respect to his property, which he desires to be carried into effect after his death. It is testamentary instrument by which a person makes disposition of his property to take effect after his death, and which, in its own nature, is ambulatory and revocable during his life.

b) What are the essential characteristics of a valid Will?
a) It must be intended to come into effect after the death of the testator; and
b) It must be revocable by the testator at any time. Although Wills are usually made for disposing property, they can also be made for appointing executors, for creating trusts and for appointing testamentary guardians of minor children.